The Police

1980 "Don't Stand So Close To Me" The Police
Dieser Song handelt von einem Lehrer, der in eine seiner jungen Schülerinnen verliebt ist und dagegen ankämpft.
Da Sting Lehrer war bevor er Musiker bei Police wurde, gab es jahrelange Spekulationen ob er diesen Song aus eigener Erfahrung geschrieben hatte. 2001 widersprach er dieser Vermutung auf seiner DVD.
Die Zeile "Just like the old man in the book by Nabokov" nimmt auf die Geschichte "Lolita" von Vladimir Nabokow Bezug, in der ein älterer Mann sehr junge Mädchen begehrt.
Übersetzt aus
Young teacher the subject of schoolgirl fantasy
she wants him so badly knows what she wants to be
inside her there's longing this girl's an open page
book marking she's so close now this girl is half his age
Don't stand don't stand so don't stand so close to me
don't stand don't stand so don't stand so close to me
Her friends are so jealous you know how bad girls get
sometimes it's not so easy to be the teacher's pet
temptation frustration so bad it makes him cry
wet bus stop she's waiting his car is warm and dry
Don't stand don't stand so don't stand so close to me
don't stand don't stand so don't stand so close to me
Lose talk in the classroom to hurt they try and try
strong words in the staffroom the accusations fly
it's no use he sees her he starts to shake and cough
just like the old man in that book by Nabakov
Don't stand don't stand so don't stand so close to me
don't stand don't stand so don't stand so close to me
don't stand...

Sting (inzwischen längst solo)
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