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Crosby, Stills, Nash (& Young)

24.08.2012 16:55
avatar  Rika
#1 Crosby, Stills, Nash (& Young)

Crosby, Stills & Nash: "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes"

Diesen Song schrieb Stephen Stills 1969. Er handelt von der berühmten Folksängerin Judy Collins, mit der er eine Beziehung hatte, die von 1967 bis 1969 dauerte. Als Judy Collins in dem Musical "New York Shakespeare Festival" mitwirkte verliebte sie sich in ihren Schauspielpartner Stacy Keach und beendete aprupt die Beziehung mit Stephen Stills. Dieser litt sehr unter der Trennung und verarbeitete es, indem er laut eigener Ausage viele Notenbücher voller Songs an und für Judy schrieb. Die Melodie klingt dementsprechend melancholisch.
Dann hatte er große Probleme all diese Noten in einen Song zu bringen. Aber er sagte seinen Bandkollegen "Laßt es uns singen, wir nennen es eine "Suite" weil es immer nur zu dem selben Punkt führt: Zu Judy".
Der Song wurde lang, auf dem ersten Album der Band ist er noch 3 Minuten länger als auf der Single. Die wenigsten Radiosender spielten den Song, denn die Single war immerhin über 7 Minuten lang.

Suite: Judy Blue Eyes lyrics:

It's getting to the point where I'm no fun anymore
I am sorry
Sometimes it hurts so badly I must cry out loud
I am lonely

I am yours, you are mine, you are what you are
You make it hard

Remember what we've said and done and felt about each other
Oh, babe have mercy
Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now
I am not dreaming

I am yours, you are mine, you are what you are
You make it hard

[Instrumental (Acoustic Guitar)]

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Tearing yourself away from me now you are free
And I am crying
This does not mean I don't love you I do that's forever
Yes and for always

I am yours, you are mine, you are what you are
You make it hard

Something inside is telling me that I've got your secret
Are you still listening?
Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart
And I love you

I am yours, you are mine, you are what you are
You make it hard
And you make it hard
And you make it hard
And you make it hard

[Instrumental (Acoustic Guitar)]

Friday evening
Sunday in the afternoon
What have you got to lose?

Tuesday morning
Please be gone I'm tired of you
What have you got to lose?

Can I tell it like it is? (Help me I'm sufferin')
Listen to me baby
It's my heart that's a sufferin' it's a dyin' (Help me I'm dyin')
And that's what I have to lose (To lose)

I've got an answer
I'm going to fly away
What have I got to lose?

Will you come see me
Thursdays and Saturdays?
What have you got to lose?

[Instrumental (Acoustic Guitar)]

Chestnut brown canary
Ruby throated sparrow
Sing a song, don't be long
Thrill me to the marrow

[Instrumental (Acoustic Guitar)]

Voices of the angels
Ring around the moonlight
Asking me said she so free
How can you catch the sparrow?

[Instrumental (Acoustic Guitar)]

Lacy lilting lady
Losing love lamenting
Change my life, make it right
Be my lady

[Instrumental (Acoustic Guitar)]

Doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo........

Judy + Stephen:


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09.10.2021 16:52
avatar  Rika
#2 RE: Crosby, Stills, Nash (& Young)

Diesen Song liebe ich noch heute.


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20.01.2023 07:46
avatar  Rika
#3 RE: Crosby, Stills, Nash (& Young)

Gitarrist David Crosby ist nach langer Krankheit am 18. Januar gestorben. Er war 81 Jahre alt.


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